The Power of “Thank You”

I invite you to reflect upon all the people in your life who have helped you become who you are. And all the people who you come in contact with that serve you in some way during the day. I invite you to visualize saying “thank you for helping me”; “thank you for—” specifying their good service; “thank you for your kindness”; etc.

I invite you to adopt daily the practice of actually giving gratitude to others frequently every day. 

Do not take for granted that your loved ones know you are thankful. Thank them frequently for the little things that they do every day that contribute to your life.

In less than a minute you can bring joy to another person at no cost to you if you embrace daily the practice of gratitude.

And you will feel warmth in your heart for doing so. I invite you to “slow down” and say “thank you”—be a positive force of “light” to others.


Daily Intentions


The “Why” of Hyper-Learning